
可笑的黑色絲帶 VI - Black Sox Scandal(Origin of Black Sox)


Although many believe the Black Sox name to be related to the dark and corrupt nature of the conspiracy, the term "Black Sox" may already have existed before the fix. There is a story that the name "Black Sox" derived from parsimonious owner Charles Comiskey's refusal to pay for the players' uniforms to be laundered, instead insisting that the players themselves pay for the cleaning. As the story goes, the players refused and subsequent games saw the White Sox play in progressively filthier uniforms as dust, sweat and grime collected on the white, woolen uniforms until they took on a much darker shade.
雖然許多人相信黑襪這名字是指陰謀黑暗而邪惡的本質,"黑襪"這措辭可能在放水之前就已經存在了。有個說法是說"黑襪"這個名字來自於他們吝嗇的老闆Charles Comiskey拒絕付球員洗制服的錢,反而堅持球員本身要付洗衣服的錢。隨著這個說法傳開來,球員罷賽而接下來的比賽看到球員穿著一天比一天還髒的制服比賽,當塵土,汗漬以及污垢聚集在白色,羊毛製的衣服上,直到他們承擔了更黑暗的陰影。

On the other hand, Eliot Asinof in his book 8 Men Out makes no such connection, referring early on to filthy uniforms but referring to the term "Black Sox" only in connection with the scandal.
在另一方面,Eliot Asinof在他的書中"八人出局"沒有做出這樣的連結,指出早先骯髒的制服,但指出了"黑襪"這個名詞只跟醜聞有關係。