
可笑的黑色絲帶 V - Black Sox Scandal(The banned players)


Eddie Cicotte, pitcher.

Oscar "Happy" Felsch, center fielder.

Arnold "Chick" Gandil, first baseman. The leader of the players who were in on the fix. He did not play in the majors in 1920, playing semi-pro ball instead. In 1956 , he expressed remorse for the fix, but claimed that he and his colleagues abandoned it and kept the money after rumors spread that the fix was in.

"Shoeless" Joe Jackson. The star outfielder, one of the best hitters in the game, confessed to accepting money from the gamblers. He later recanted his confession and protested his innocence to no effect until his death in 1951. He was the first of the eight to die.

Fred McMullin, utility infielder. McMullin would not have been included in the fix had he not overheard player conversations. He threatened to tell all if not included.

Charles "Swede" Risberg, shortstop. Risberg was Gandil's assistant. He lived on until 1975, the last survivor of the eight.

Charles "Swede" Risberg, shortstop. Risberg was Gandil's assistant. He lived on until 1975, the last survivor of the eight.

George "Buck" Weaver, third baseman. Weaver attended the initial meetings, and while he did not go in on the fix, he knew about it. Landis banished him on this basis, stating "Men associating with crooks and gamblers could expect no leniency." On January 13, 1922 Buck unsuccessfully applied for reinstatement. Like Jackson, Weaver continued to profess his innocence to successive Baseball Commissioners to no effect. He died in 1956.

Claude "Lefty" Williams, pitcher. 0-3 with a 6.63 ERA for the series. Only one other pitcher in the entire history of baseball - George Frazier of the 1981 New York Yankees - has ever lost three games in one World Series. Frazier, presumably, was not trying to lose them.

Eddie Cicotte:投手

"爽爽人"Oscar Felsch:中外野手

"小雞"Arnold Gandil:一壘手。放水球員中帶頭的。他並沒有在1920年的大聯盟出賽,而跑到了一個半職業聯盟去打。在1956年,他表達了對放水的懺悔,但宣稱他跟他被禁賽的隊友中止放水並且沒有花那筆錢在謠言四處散佈著放水介入球賽之後。

"赤腳大仙"Joe Jackson:明星外野手,聯盟史上最好的打者之一,坦承從賭徒那邊收錢。他之後撤回了他的自白並且堅稱他的清白但無濟於事直到他在1951年去世。他是八名球員中第一個去世的。

Fred McMullin:工具人。McMullin將不會算在放水的一份子,如果他沒有偷聽到球員們之間的對話。他威脅著要全盤托出如果不讓他加入的話。

"瑞典仔"Charles Risberg:游擊手。Risberg是Gandil的助手。他活到1975年,八個人中活最久的一個。

"公鹿"George Weaver:三壘手。Weaver參與了一開始的金議,而當他不願意加入放水的行列時,他知道了事情的經過。Landis將他禁賽是根據「跟騙子還有賭徒有聯繫的人不能期望他的清白」這個基礎。1922年1月13號公鹿未能成功地申請復職。就像Jackson一樣,Weaver持續對接任的大聯盟理事長公開表示他的清白但無濟於事。他在1956年去世。

"阿拜"Claude Williams:投手。那年世界大賽成績為0勝3負,防禦率6.63。整個棒球歷史上只有另一個投手,1981年紐約洋基的George Frazier,在世界大賽中輸掉三場比賽,想當然爾,不會是試著要輸這麼多場的。

Also banned was Joe Gedeon, second baseman for the St. Louis Browns. Gedeon knew Risberg, had heard of the fix from him, and placed bets. He informed Comiskey of the fix after the Series in an effort to gain a reward. He was banned for life by Landis along with the eight White Sox.
被禁賽的球員還有Joe Gedeon,聖路易伯朗隊的二壘手。Gedeon認識Risberg,聽他講說有關放水的事,並且下注。他在世界大賽後告知Comiskey關於放水的事想要得到一點報酬。他隨著白襪隊的八名球員一起被Landis終生禁賽。