The rumors dogged the club throughout the 1920 season, as the White Sox battled the Cleveland Indians for the AL pennant that year, and stories of corruption touched players on other clubs as well. At last, in September 1920, a grand jury was convened to investigate.
During the investigation two players, Cicotte and Jackson, confessed. On the eve of their final season series, the White Sox were in a virtual tie for first place with the Cleveland Indians. The Sox would need to win all 3 and then hope for Cleveland to stumble, as the Indians had more games in hand. Despite the season being on the line, Comiskey suspended the seven White Sox still in the majors (Gandil had left the team and was playing semi-pro ball). The White Sox lost 2 of 3 in their final series against the St. Louis Browns, and those two losses made the difference, as they finished in second place, two games behind Cleveland.
Prior to the trial, key evidence went missing from the Cook County Courthouse, including the signed confessions of Cicotte and Jackson, who subsequently recanted their confessions, as discussed on p.257 of Eight Men Out. The players were acquitted. Some years later, the missing confessions reappeared in the possession of Comiskey's lawyer.
However, the majors were not so forgiving. The damage to the sport's reputation led the owners to appoint Federal Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis as the first Commissioner of Baseball. The day after the players were acquitted, Landis issued his own verdict:
Regardless of the verdict of juries, no player who throws a ball game, no player who undertakes or promises to throw a ball game, no player who sits in confidence with a bunch of crooked gamblers and does not promptly tell his club about it, will ever play professional baseball.
然而,大聯盟就沒有這麼寬宏大量了。對運動名譽的傷害使得球團老闆們任命聯邦法官Kenesaw Mountain Landis擔任第一任的大聯盟主席。八名球員無罪釋放的隔天,Landis宣判了他自己的裁定:無論陪審團的裁定是什麼,任何一個放水的球員,任何一個接受或答應放水的球員,任何私底下跟一掛賭徒碰頭並且沒有立即通報他的球團這件事的球員,將永遠不能打職業棒球。
可笑的黑色絲帶 IV - Black Sox Scandal(Fallout)
By bnman , 9/06/2007 06:00:00 下午
Tag : basketball
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